
Chanting God’s Name versus chanting a mantra

孕婦用手機 致嬰兒過度活躍

Chanting God's Name versus chanting a mantra   

Sounds of the Universe
Test your sixth sense by comparing sounds of the universe in the form of pulsars with the Divine sounds captured in the close proximity of a higher level Saint
pulsar sounds 

Divine sounds for spiritual healing

Give your body a break - detox with these fun smoothie recipes
Exercise boosts healthy DNA expression within just a few minutes

David Wolfe speaks out about Sunfood, Monsanto, New Chapter and Procter & Gamble

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Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health

Colloidail silver the perfect mouthwash? Scientists find rinsing mouth with silver treats infections

How juicing can improve your health

How to fight the epidemic of 'picky eating' among your children

Eating white rice daily ups diabetes risk, study shows

Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health

The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs started on animal farms
Is seaweed the future of alternative energy sources like biofuel?

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Warning to vegetarians: Many prescription drugs secretly made with animal parts


Hemp Can Save the World - new music video rocks the 'net with upbeat message about the hemp agricultural revolution

Easy homemade remedies relieve arthritis and joint pain

Warning to vegetarians: Many prescription drugs secretly made with animal parts

The ultimate crime of conventional medicine

Know the difference: 'Natural' foods are not organic, often contain GMOs and other toxins

Afghanistan massacre by U.S. sergeant reveals epidemic of psychiatric drugging of soldiers

Find out why you're vitiamin B12 deficient and how to correct it

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Bill Gates: One of the World's Most Destructive Do-Gooders?

7 Reasons Kale Is The New Beef

The 10 vaccines we really need - Mike Adams on the Alex Jones Show - hilarious comedy satire

Bill Gates: One of the World's Most Destructive Do-Gooders?

Are cell phones really so bad for your health?

Who is the animal - The monkey who cleans pots

Who is the animal - Little monkey taking a shower in the sink

Anti-inflammatory antioxidants in citrus fruits reduce the risk of stroke

The top 5 foods to avoid if you have gluten intolerance and wheat allergies
Three ways to prevent urinary tract infections in women (and stop the recurrence before it starts)

Bladderwrack is a safe alternative to GMO soy to support women's health

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Artificial hamburger meat successfully grown in vat of bovine fetal cells; You want some fries with that?

Is the TSA Targeting Attractive Women?
A Dallas woman believes she was violated by TSA officers who, she says, repeatedly asked her to enter a body scanner because of her looks

U.S. meat supply widely contaminated with mad cow disease prions

Vaccine exemptions: Do they really put non-vaccinated children at risk?

Artificial hamburger meat successfully grown in vat of bovine fetal cells; You want some fries with that?

Whole Fraud: Exposing the myth of so-called 'natural' foods

Whitney Houston killed by prescription drugs and alcohol, not drowning, say coroner officials

Timeline of celebrities killed by Big Pharma: Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Farrah Fawcett, Elvis and more

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No Power Fridge

香港第一代反核女將梁詠雩 保持根基 把握機會

田徑 - 專訪長跑情侶陳家豪姚潔貞


2012 Empire State Building Run UP!

Save our bees: scientists reveal the plants that could halt bee decline
Planting the right kind of flowers in gardens may help to halt the decline of British bees, according to scientists.

No Power Fridge

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Microwave test – an eye opener

國立成功大學資工系二年級男學生陳政甫 遭嫌犯顏豪成撞斷腿亡

別做『喪屍』- 溫石麟談香港反核運動



Microwave test – an eye opener

Absolutely Ripped Six Pack | Diet Secrets Revealed

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我先講我的客人個案比你參考 , 之後你自己決定打唔打骨針 o 
以前我有個人客 , 膝蓋痛到屈唔埋 , 走咗去打骨針 , 打完之後暢通晒唔再痛 , 半年之後又再痛 , 咁咪再去打第二次骨針 , 打完之後又係暢通晒唔痛 , 佢心想多年來既膝痛 , 終於搵到醫治方法 , 18個月之後又痛番 , 心想好簡單啫咪又再打骨針囉 , 如此類推第一次可康復半年 , 第二次可康復18個月 , 心想第3次之後可能康復更長時間 , 但係第3次打骨針之後就出事 , 痛楚不但冇改善 , 痛到發覺有肌肉委縮情況 , 膝蓋更唔可以屈得埋 , 經過美國既醫生診斷 , 證實有骨枯跡象 , 查詢下認為是打骨針導致的後遺症 o  

你睇完以上既真實個案後 , 我猜想你應該知道如何取捨 , 如有問題查詢 , 可打電話比我 , 電話 ~ 51355378金師傅 , 佐敦道13-15號華豐大廈8樓N2室(即裕華對面) o


如西醫幫不到你 , 就要考慮接受中醫既診治 , 而中國醫學中 , 有一門外治療醫術是針對內分泌失衡 , 和針對韌帶肌腱問題 , 雖然在西方醫學上還未確認為醫術 , 但遠在二千年的中國已被廣泛用於治療的根基上 , 副作用甚少 , 但效果卻是非常顯著 , 我所介紹的就是~~~治療推拿~~~ , 可能你覺得對你幫助不大 , 但基於人體的太陽膀胱經由頭部臚底骨和頸項交界處 , 一直伸展至腳底之腳掌骨 , 當太陽膀胱經牽拉過度而收緊 , 便會影響其 脊椎骨 , 引至椎間盤受壓 , 就會產生西醫說的 [ 強直性脊椎炎 ] , 要治療就是將該韌帶(即是太陽膀胱經)放鬆 , 才可令 [ 強直性脊椎炎 ] 得以改善 , 不然的話 , 就只有愈來愈差的危險 , 故此你不妨考慮是否接受~~~治療推拿~~~ , 至於能否遇到上乘的醫者 , 就要看你的緣份了 , 祝早日康復~.Q.~(>^.^<)~.Q.~

當進行治療性推拿時 , 會產生一點痛楚 ,這點必須有充足的心理準備 , 但痛後會覺得好舒服的 , 並且效果顯著 o 
還有一點 , 凡有關骨傷科內的韌帶肌腱問題 , 在未痊癒前請盡量少食 [ 糯米 ] , 這是必要的 , 不可忘記 o
如果你毫無頭緒的話 , 請容許我在此稍作介紹 , 雖然在坊間有很多不同類別既技術支援 , 你還可以嘗試 [ 治療推拿 ] , 因為治療推拿係透過 { 力 } , { 能 } , { 信息 } 為患者治療有關痛症 o  
{ 力 } 是通過外力 , 使解剖位置得以糾正 , 從而治療因解剖位置不正確而引起的不適 o  

{ 能 }  是通過特定的手法在體外作功 ,將能量傳遞深入體內病變部位 ,改變內能 , 活躍細胞組織 o
{ 信息 } 指生物信息(各臟腑的固有頻率,及生物電等)在體表各特定部位如經絡、穴位等,通過各種剌擊,使失常的生物信息加以調整,從而起到對病變臟腑的調整作用。
而治療推拿就係中醫骨傷鈄既外治手法 , 會針對韌帶和肌腱上的創傷 , 活躍細胞組織 , 平衡內分泌恊調 , 發揮病者自行與疾病作鬥爭的能動力 , 籍此來幫助患者痊癒 o

在此先祝你快 D 好番~.Q.~(>^.^<)~.Q.~  

如果有需要的話 , 請到佐敦道13-15號 , 華豐大廈 8 / F N2室 ,電話~51355378 , 找金師傅嘗試吓 ,金師傅精於骨傷鈄治療推拿可以幫得到你 , 不妨多一個考慮 , 最後一提 , 需要預約的 , 因為好多人都找金師傅 o


首先講解一下腳踝的解剖結構給你了解 o  
從腳踝內側腳眼位 , 至腳踝外側腳眼位 , 有 " 屈肌支伸韌帶 " 這韌帶是由很多條幼細肌腱並排組成 , 而這韌帶下方連接 " 腳背五趾韌帶 " , 上方連接 " 脛骨前肌韌帶 " , 當行路或走動時 , 屈肌支伸韌帶會受腳步動作而起伏 , 久而久之因疲勞就形成累積性慢性病 , 未必係新傷所做成 , 亦因該韌帶起伏而牽涉到腳背五趾韌帶 , 嚴重的話會令腳背腫痛 , 再講上方連接脛骨前肌韌帶 , 而脛骨前肌韌帶連接臏骨 ( 即是菠蘿蓋 ) , 而膝蓋後面小腿分別有腓長肌和比目魚肌 , 當行路或跑步時 , 膝蓋將會丞受整個人的重量 , 所以有時並不一定是腳踝出現問題 , 可能都會由於膝蓋而影響 , 不過始終都要檢查過才可確定 o  
如果你毫無頭緒的話 , 請容許我在此稍作介紹 , 雖然在坊間有很多不同類別既技術支援 , 你還可以選擇 [ 治療推拿 ] , 因為治療推拿係透過 { 力 } , { 能 } , { 信息 } 為患者治療有關痛症 o 

{ 力 } 是通過外力 , 使解剖位置得以糾正 , 從而治療因解剖位置不正確而引起的不適 o

{ 能 }  是通過特定的手法在體外作功 ,將能量傳遞深入體內病變部位 ,改變內能 , 活躍細胞組織 o
{ 信息 } 指生物信息(各臟腑的固有頻率,及生物電等)在體表各特定部位如經絡、穴位等,通過各種剌擊,使失常的生物信息加以調整,從而起到對病變臟腑的調整作用。
而治療推拿就係中醫骨傷鈄既外治手法 , 會針對韌帶和肌腱上的創傷 , 活躍細胞組織 , 平衡內分泌恊調 , 發揮病者自行與疾病作鬥爭的能動力 , 籍此來幫助患者痊癒 o

在此先祝你快 D 好番~.Q.~(>^.^<)~.Q.~  

相信與否 , 視乎你對中國醫學了解有多少 , 對人體解剖學結構認識有多深 o 



麥永棋 麥永錡 Mak Wing Kee
鄧漢祥 Tang Hon Cheung

電話號碼: 28340768  
電 話: 2805 1272, 28516701
地 址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道375-379號利威商業大廈8A 
  星期一至星期六 上午 11:00 至 下午 9:00  
  星期日及公眾假期 上午 11:00 至 下午 7:00  

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