

蘇軾蘇東坡 中國北宋大文豪 素食名人

國父孫中山先生 民主革命家 素食名人

 ( 至 2011.06.15 - 23:50 截止 )


Study: Drinking too much coffee can spur drug-like hallucinations

Vaccine Baby Deaths
“The greatest lie ever told is that
vaccines are safe and effective”
Dr. Len Horowitz





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Japanese scientist creates edible meat alternative made from recycled human waste

True fact: A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China
L-cysteine, a non-essential amino acid added to many baked goods as a dough conditioner in order to speed industrial processing.

Japanese scientist creates edible meat alternative made from recycled human waste
Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda has developed a new kind of meatless burger made from soy, steak sauce essence, and -- brace yourself -- protein matter extracted from human excrement.

Amazon com the most un-green retailer? 
Four huge boxes and 250 feet of paper to pack 4 bicycle tires

EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

New air purifier technology removes 99% of indoor allergens
Guardian Air REME+ air purifier generates Ionized Hydro-Peroxides that neutralize impurities on contact, just like in nature.
It uses no chemicals. Cleansing comes from a light, water and oxygen-powered Phi Cell (short for Photohyrdoionization cell) to create naturally-occurring hydro-peroxides.
Independent lab tests show that it kills off up to 99 percent of harmful bacteria, yeast, allergens, viruses and mold, both in the air and on surfaces.

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知多啲 直接植入鏡片

知多啲 直接植入鏡片
(星島)9月22日2008 星期一


(星島日報 報道)植入人工鏡片手術是激光矯視外,另一種可永久改善深度近視的手術。原理是保留原有天然晶體,於眼睛虹膜與角膜之間植入個別訂製的人工鏡片;換言之即將類似隱形眼鏡的鏡片,永久性地置於虹膜與角膜間,以修正近視、散光等問題。鄭醫生表示,手術適合較深近視的病人。


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