
《自然療法與你》 -醫療陰謀論


國父孫中山先生 辛亥革命一百周年

日本烤肉店 日人吃韓式生牛肉 感染0111型大腸桿菌 2死57中毒


Gardasil Trail of Deception
While reports of deaths and serious adverse events from Gardasil vaccine continues to grow...
By Tony Isaacs | April 16, 2011

Why Mainstream Medicine Attacks Colloidal Silver
By Tony Isaacs | April 13, 2011

Enzymes Catalyze Digestion and Metabolism
By Paul Fassa | April 15, 2011

Highly contagious mystery virus with AIDS-like symptoms quickly spreading throughout China

Green gardening secrets: How to eliminate bugs and pests without using poison

Iowa Republicans conspire to ban video taping of abused animals at factory farms

Natural nutrients and diet lower risk of disease and extend healthy lifespan

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What Do You Need for the Liver and Gallbladder Flush?

How a birth doula 助产士 provides help and support during labor

What Do You Need for the Liver and Gallbladder Flush? 

Conventional medicine finally admits Multiple Sclerosis MS 多發性硬化症 caused by vitamin D deficiency
A link between lack of sunlight and how the body responds when faced with an infection

Junk food cravings trigger same brain activity as drug addiction, suggests study

Zeolites useful for removing radiation from the body
Einkorn - Historic hulls unlock healthier diet for all

Drastically decrease your exposure to BPA by eating less packaged food
Plastic bags, containers, cups, wraps, and other types of food packaging often contain not only BPA, but other harmful plastics chemicals. But by eating only fresh, non-packaged foods, you can reduce your blood levels of these chemicals by up to 90 percent in just three days.

Live Blood Cell Analysis is typically performed to detect lead, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum toxicity.
Hair Mineral Analysis is a test for the toxic metals - lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.
Hair Mineral Analysis can show exposure to heavy metals dating back in time, 
while the aforementioned blood test typically shows more recent exposure.

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擊殺拉登觸發蓋達及其支持者報復 美國高度戒備 911疑犯聲稱發動核襲

報復勢至 美高度戒備 911疑犯聲稱發動核襲
 (明報)2011年5月3日 星期二

【明報專訊】為防擊殺拉登觸發蓋達及其支持者報復,美國    國務院周日向全球美國公民發出有效期至8月1日的外遊警示,叮囑盡量避免出席群眾集會。美國中情局局長稱,「幾乎肯定」恐怖分子會報復。美國盟友如日本    、菲律賓    、英國    等均相繼提高保安措施。國際刑警亦敦促全球提防恐襲。

港保安局    :留意事態評估



CD Universe

美國洛杉磯    等地已下令加派警員巡查,保衛機場和景點,以及留意穆斯林區。美國國務院周日凌晨通令駐外使領館加強警戒,又提醒外遊及海外僑民,「鑑於最新的巴基斯坦反恐行動,反美暴力活動可能性提升」,「在局勢不明確和不穩定下,政府強烈勸喻,身處可能觸發反美暴力地區的美國公民,盡量減少離開寓所及旅舍,避開群眾集會和示威遊行」。


菲律賓總統阿奎諾三世與國家安全顧問會商後下令加強全國保安。菲律賓是美國在亞洲一大盟國,獲蓋達支援、曾策動多宗恐襲的阿布薩耶夫組織,一直活躍於該國南部。總部設於法國    的國際刑警組織,促請188個成員國執法機關增加保安,「加倍留神」蓋達的報復活動。

9•11嫌疑主謀哈立德(Khalid Sheikh Mohammed)在關塔那摩    監獄受盤問時曾聲稱,蓋達在歐洲藏有一枚核彈,一旦拉登遇害或落網,武裝分子就會對西方發動「核子地獄風暴」。




美國監察組織SITE指出,拉登死訊傳出後,親蓋達網上論壇Shumukh al-Islam上,不少激進分子留言表示難以置信,質疑死訊真假,網站則呼籲支持者靜待消息證實。該網站湧現了大量為拉登祈禱及矢言持續發動聖戰的信息,部分威嚇更直指美國,威脅發動恐襲。有人寫道﹕「無論死訊真或假,美國將得到相同的報應。」另一則道﹕「(我們)會繼續奧薩馬(拉登)的步伐。」