
Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off

Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off
March 16, 2011

紀曉風 - 毗鄰地震帶兼用國貨廣東「核電陣」圍堵香港
信報 15.3.2011

Podcast 63: Dave Wolfe on Radiation Protection

Iodine supplement supplies wiped out by nuclear fallout fear - here are the foods that contain high levels of natural iodine

Iodine protects thyroid and glandular system from radiation damage: Here's where to get some

用添加瘦肉精的飼料餵養的健美豬 豬肉可致癌

The Decade of Vaccines - Bill Gates continues his attempt to gain support
Bill Gates chooses to ignore valid independent studies that indicate there are causal links between the damage done by vaccines and the vaccines received. The picture of chronic disease of children as recent as the 1950's was almost non-existent. At the present time, nearly half of our children suffer with some form of a chronic disease during childhood and one in four is condemned to a lifetime of disease. This dramatic rise in the rate of childhood disease directly mirrors the introduction of more and more vaccines to the CDC's aggressive schedule.

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日本地震製造鋰電池與半導體的工廠工廠停產 iPad供應受威脅

工廠停產 iPad供應受威脅
 (明報)2011年3月15日 星期二

【明報專訊】日本    地震令全球產業鏈元氣大傷。災區多家製造鋰電池與半導體的工廠停工,直接衝擊手提電腦與iPad等電子產品的供應,DRAM與NAND記憶體現貨價昨同步大漲。鋼鐵、塑膠與化工製品的供應亦因日本部分企業停產而受壓,令相關原料價格波動。


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DRAM電腦記憶體的供應同樣受衝擊。市場擔心矽晶圓短期供應短缺,台灣    集豐科技調查顯示,DRAM現貨價昨日上升了逾5%,NAND主流的32Gb MLC現貨價上升了8.35%。

韓國    與台灣半導體生產商均依賴日本提供矽晶圓等原料。地震令市場預期晶片價格上升及日本以外生產商的生意額增加,全球第二大記憶體生產商Hynix的股價急升9%,但Hynix首席財務官Kim Min-chul警告,地震可能令晶片元件供應中斷,導致Hynix的生產程序與日本同行一樣受干擾。多個台灣半導體廠則稱,由於廠商普遍設有安全庫存,短期營運受影響有限,但若日本供應在較長時間內無法恢復,將會對台企的營運造成衝擊。

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How To Help Support The Body’s Healing After Intense Radioactive Or Radiation Exposure

How To Help Support The Body’s Healing After Intense Radioactive Or Radiation Exposure 

Reduce or alleviate the suffering of those at risk for nuclear reactor associated radiation exposure.

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Search skin care harmful ingredients



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Prenatal, perinatal and postnatal antibiotics may threaten the health of your child

Bone Strengthening Drugs Actually Cause Fractures
Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva and Reclast.

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Fukushima nuclear catastrophe forces world to rethink future of nuclear power

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