
This Could Threaten the Future of Food – Destroying the Entire Food Chain


This Could Threaten the Future of Food – Destroying the Entire Food Chain…
Roundup, Monsanto's glyphosate-based herbicide, is causing Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a serious plant disease, in many fields. Study after study shows that glyphosate is contributing not only to the huge increase in SDS, but also to the outbreak of numerous other diseases.

49元樹木纖維衫 配外套足禦寒 本報測試3款保暖內衣

解構南美亞馬遜森林隱世土著生活 前額剃光身塗紅 戴頭巾懂種棉

Sherri Tenpenny warns parents about safety of vaccines in NaturalNews interview

Use tea tree oil as a natural remedy for acne

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Prevent Toxicity in a World Full of Toxins

Soy Protein Used in "Natural" Foods Bathed in Toxic Solvent Hexane

International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting repor

12 Stunning Tree Houses

Taco Bell beef faked? No more than the rest of the FDA-approved toxic food supply.
The lawsuit claims Taco Bell's meat cannot be honestly advertised as "beef" because it claims tests showed the meat was only 35% beef, not the 70% beef required by federal standards.

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中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!

中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!


Which Reusable Water Bottle Is Best?

What’s Lurking in Your Natural Cosmetics?

Vitamin A in Sunscreen Linked to Skin Tumors
A press release from the Environmental Working Group says the chemical retinyl palmitate, found in many sunscreens, accelerates the development of skin tumors when it is applied to skin exposed to sunlight, and that this relationship has been confirmed.

Ekadasi Prasadam
Taro cooked in coconut milk, org. potatoes fried in butter, yacon root, and buckwheat, (and avocado) 

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嚇!煮章魚聽見哭聲 掀鍋蓋赫見它有人頭在求救

瘦肉精橫掃全台 違規高達3成!

嚇!煮章魚聽見哭聲 掀鍋蓋赫見它有人頭在求救

水楊酸甲酯 Methyl Salicylate 俗稱 冬綠油 冬青油 外用消炎止痛 慢性積聚體內

7 Myths About Skin Care

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The Quickest, Easiest Way to Help Detoxify Your Body

"Unscientific" is secret code for anyone who opposes GMOs or pesticides
Watch out for the word "unscientific" in propaganda that's pushing GMOs, pesticides or other dangerous chemicals onto our world.

Genetically-modified, oil-eating bacteria creating dangerous mutant organisms in the Gulf

Report: USDA also knew about bee-killing pesticide

Liver cleanse for easy weight loss

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香港樓價貴絕全球 最難負擔

港樓價貴絕全球 最難負擔
 (經濟日報)2011年1月25日 星期二 

【經濟日報專訊】本港樓價過去一年急劇上升,美國    一間顧問公司調查報告指出,全球最難負擔樓價城市中,香港居首位,本港樓價中位數相當於全年家庭入息中位數的11.4倍,達極難負擔的水平。有學者認為這反映現時本港整體樓價處於高水平。

美國顧問調查 逾5倍屬難負擔

美國顧問公司 Demographia 就全球城市樓市負擔比率作出一項調查,包括美國、英國    、澳洲    、加拿大    、新西蘭    、愛爾蘭    及中國(香港),涉及325個城市(當中包括82個主要城市)。報告指出,倘樓價在入息中位數的3倍或以下,屬可負擔水平;3.1至4倍屬溫和不能負擔水平;4.1至5倍為難以負擔;5.1倍或以上屬極難以負擔水平。


港府出招後 樓市再度轉活躍


理工大學    建築及房地產學系教授許智文認同,現時整體樓價處於高水平,未來樓市走勢主要取決於本港是否加息,以及外資是否持續流入(如內地買家),在現時有人工上升、低息及通脹等因素下,暫預期樓市仍穩步向上。

麥萃才︰港負擔比率 仍未逾50%



根據報告指出,以82個主要城市計算,排列難以負擔水平第2位的城市,如澳洲悉尼    ,樓價相當於全年家庭收入的9.6倍,第3位為加拿大溫哥華    。至於以整個國家計算,負擔比率最高的國家為澳洲,樓價相當於家庭收入的6.1倍。

USA Shopping
UK Shopping
Canada Shopping
Australia Shopping

If You Eat Processed Meats, Are You Risking Your Life?

Millions of Wisdom Teeth Removed Unnecessarily Each Year
( Unless the tooth has serious tooth decay that cannot be saved ) 


謝國雄黑夜登山失足 頭皮被掀開 身上多處骨折

French winegrowers warned over pesticide use
A French winegrower, who died after contracting leukaemia becoming the first farmer to have his illness officially linked to the pesticides he used for years on his crops, has spoken from beyond the grave giving a warning to the industry.

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Corporate Hall of Shame: 2010 Election Results Winner is Monsanto

Use whole body vibration exercise for weight loss, bone density and muscle building

Corporate Hall of Shame: 2010 Election Results
Winner is Monsanto 

Best and worst bottled water brands

Superfood breads are realistic
Sourdough Bread

Avocado fat boosts good cholesterol (HDL)

Apple faces pollution storm in China

U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds

USDA found to be poisoning bird populations, causing mass die-offs involving millions of birds

What's In Your Bottled Water – Besides Water?

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Hong Kong Bakery Shops

Hong Kong Health Food Natural Food Organic Food

Hong Kong Bakery Shop Bread HK Kowloon

What in the World Are They Spraying? (VIDEO)
We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. 

5億風水佬 李居明吸錢大法


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Monsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

Eating This “Healthy” Food (fishes) While Pregnant Can Lead to Infant Deafness, Blindness or Mental Retardation…

Monsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

Caution: This Common Device Can Double Your Risk of Getting a Brain Tumor
Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University explains how the electromagnetic fields that emanate from your cell phone and other wireless devices affect your cells.

U.S. food companies caught faking blueberries with artificial colors and liquid sugars, reveals Health Ranger investigation

Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal from General Mills contains no blueberries and no pomegranates

Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It! 
[Hardcover] Kris Carr (Author) 1/11
Carr lays out the fundamentals of her Crazy Sexy Diet: a low-glycemic, vegetarian program that emphasizes balancing the pH of the body with lush whole and raw foods, nourishing organic green drinks, and scrumptious smoothies. Plus, she shares the steps of her own twenty-one-day cleanse, and simple but delectable sample recipes.

My Body is a Temple - Krishna Murari Song
with song translation

Krishna Murari Kirtan - Gaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits

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Hong Kong Identity Cards - Applications by People Aged Under 18

Hong Kong Identity Cards - Applications by People Aged Under 18

Where to Apply

Immigration and Registration of Persons – Fo Tan Office

Shops 405 and 406
4/F, Jubilee Court Shopping Centre
2-18 Lok King Street, Fo Tan
(MTR Fo Tan Station – Exit C)
Opening Hours:
9 am – 12:45 pm and 2 – 4:30 pm (Monday-Friday)
9 am – 12:30 pm (Saturday)
Closed on Sunday and public holidays
Telephone: 2653 3116

Quinoa: It is Not Just for Incas and Hippies Anymore

3000度近視男 漆黑可讀報 從不戴眼鏡 習慣黑暗辨物

Drinking Milk Raw Milk Diet Benefits Fresh Cow Milk Organic Milk

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