
中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!

中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!


Which Reusable Water Bottle Is Best?

What’s Lurking in Your Natural Cosmetics?

Vitamin A in Sunscreen Linked to Skin Tumors
A press release from the Environmental Working Group says the chemical retinyl palmitate, found in many sunscreens, accelerates the development of skin tumors when it is applied to skin exposed to sunlight, and that this relationship has been confirmed.

Ekadasi Prasadam
Taro cooked in coconut milk, org. potatoes fried in butter, yacon root, and buckwheat, (and avocado) 

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嚇!煮章魚聽見哭聲 掀鍋蓋赫見它有人頭在求救

瘦肉精橫掃全台 違規高達3成!

嚇!煮章魚聽見哭聲 掀鍋蓋赫見它有人頭在求救

水楊酸甲酯 Methyl Salicylate 俗稱 冬綠油 冬青油 外用消炎止痛 慢性積聚體內

7 Myths About Skin Care

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The Quickest, Easiest Way to Help Detoxify Your Body

"Unscientific" is secret code for anyone who opposes GMOs or pesticides
Watch out for the word "unscientific" in propaganda that's pushing GMOs, pesticides or other dangerous chemicals onto our world.

Genetically-modified, oil-eating bacteria creating dangerous mutant organisms in the Gulf

Report: USDA also knew about bee-killing pesticide

Liver cleanse for easy weight loss

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