
GM corn releases insecticide chemicals that are now polluting rivers and streams

The Vegan Path - My start
Just know this guy online recently, he is now in HK. 
He turned vegan this year from vegetarian, and also more and more raw food.
He is a Wing Chun (master) to me.

Scientists discover new value in wisdom teeth that could one day save your life

Was There a Conspiracy Involved with BP Oil Spill?
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory S02 Ep7 - Gulf Oil Spill Conspiracy (Full Length)

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Antibiotics make animals(livestock) fat and sick

9 Gluten-Free Grains

How diet influences beauty

Antibiotics make animals(livestock) fat and sick

德毒蛋恐輸港 食衞局未禁售

How the Bill Gates Foundation is genetically manipulating nature and devastating our health

Researchers discover a shocking 96 percent decline in four major bumblebee species

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15 New Year's Resolutions That Actually Make a Difference for the Environment

Know thy master
Are Sacramento's Ching Hai devotees eco-conscious, vegan, meditation masters—or members of the region's fastest-growing cult?

15 New Year's Resolutions That Actually Make a Difference for the Environment

China to impose new GMO regulations, but will anything change?

Understand the difference between real healing and suppression of disease

Anaesthesia has same climate change effect as 1,000,000 cars

「藥」小心!感冒熱飲配藥丸 會爆肝

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