
Arm Exercises for Women Bat Wings or Batwings

Arm Exercises for Women Bat Wings or Batwings
Get Rid Of Bat Wings by doing Kettlebell workouts and working out with weights.

Besides, it can be greatly improved by reducing your body fat through diet and cardiovascular exercises and a solid weight training program that features heavier compound movements.

Seated tricep dips, push-ups, bench presses with respectable weight, even some power yoga-type of poses. In general, heavy pushing movements will greatly help, plus you get stronger in the process.

Women who lose weight may develop something known as batwings on the under arm. These flabby patches of skin that do not seem to stop moving when your arm does. There are arm exercises for women that are specially designed to help solve this problem.

Whether you are a novice or someone who has been working out for some time now, the following tips can help you increase muscle in your arms, decrease the excess skin, and just get an overall improvement in strength. You can even include some maneuvers to decrease unsightly belly fat.

Everyone is familiar with Pilates and the exercises using giant blow up balls, but not everyone knows the purpose of them. When you work out with a Pilate ball you are using every muscle you can think of because you are constantly trying to stabilize yourself. Your workouts will be increased in difficulty but well worth the effort.

The first thing you are going to need is a stabilization ball and some free weights or dumbbells that weight 3 to 5 pounds. Make sure you have one for each hand.

With dumbbells in hand sit on the stabilization ball, and once you are settled and secure begin the routine by following these steps:

• Begin the exercise with your upper arms running parallel to the floor. Your lower arms should be perpendicular while the dumbbells are in your hand.

• When you are ready, begin by lifting your upper arms to a position over your head. You will need to be tightening your abs to maintain your balance on the ball. When your arms are overhead make sure that your palms are facing each other while you hold the dumbbells.

• From this position, lower the dumbbells behind your head slowly, bending your elbows so that they are pointing toward the ceiling. Doing this slowly is key as if you go too fast you can hurt yourself and you will also not get a workout.

• With your palms facing each other, slowly lift the dumbbells over your head. Try to get up to doing 10 to 12 repetitions three times. You will find your biceps burn. This proves you are working your muscles. Once the difficulty has lessened advance to heavier weights.

These arm exercises are not hard to do and will get your "batwings" under control finally. If you want to start out slower begin with using just the weights, avoiding using the exercise ball. If this is still too much for you to handle then use less weight.

Once you are ready, you can increase weight, add the exercise ball and increase your repetitions and sets. Keep in mind, however, that with less weight and not using the exercise ball the exercise will be dramatically easier and you will not see results as quickly.

Whatever your needs, be it under arm flab or just wanting to get more strength and tone, these arm exercises for women can help you achieve that goal.

Fitness Equipment


馬會開錯盤 賭客「及時執死雞」 小保加對AC賠率對調 買齊必贏

馬會開錯盤 賭客「及時執死雞」 小保加對AC賠率對調 買齊必贏
(明報)2009年7月31日 星期五

【明報專訊】馬會發生疑是近年最嚴重的「開錯盤」事故,馬會證實由於人手輸入出錯,令「小保加 對AC米蘭 」賽事的「讓球主客和」主客賠率昨一度調轉。雖然該錯誤10分鐘內已被修正,但本報得悉,有投注者「及時」在雙方投注各4萬元,無論賽事結果為何,都大約會贏2000元至7.2萬元不等。

人手輸入出錯 承諾檢討


今次已非馬會首次開錯盤,民政事務局 回應說,關注馬會有否採取措施避免開錯盤,會跟進了解事件。






馬會稱數分鐘內修正 按例照賠



明報記者 陳志偉

馬會拒補回賠率差價 買錯讓球 隨時少賺

馬會拒補回賠率差價 買錯讓球 隨時少賺
(明報)2009年7月31日 星期五

【明報專訊】馬會開錯盤,投注者有得有失。因「聰明」的球迷可分析賠率兩邊均下注造成必贏局面,但另一方面,若有顧客不慎誤買了「讓1球」的AC米蘭 勝,有可能「贏少咗」即蒙受損失,因此時AC米蘭勝出的讓球賠率錯列為1.65倍,遠低於原本應有的3.8倍。

馬會昨回應時堅持,賭客接受賠率才下注,故不會考慮補回賠率差價。但博彩及獎券事務委員會委員何漢權認為,既然賠率出錯是因馬會職員犯錯引起,馬會便應向下注者賠償賠率差價,否則便不公平。民政事務局 指出,政府沒有收過有關馬會足球博彩有限公司「開錯盤」的投訴;但若有投注者對開錯盤不滿,可向博獎會投訴。

馬會開辦賭波以來,以「走地盤」賠率出錯的問題,較受球迷關注。就像約10天前國際米蘭 對阿美利加的賽事中,在阿美利加率先入球後,馬會開出的阿美利加得勝賠率一度仍維持在5.1倍,未有下調,即被網友質疑馬會出錯「益了下注者」。但由於最後兩隊賽和,故馬會未有實際損失。